SEO Articles

How Generative AI Can Revolutionise Your SEO Strategy

How Generative AI Can Revolutionise Your SEO Strategy

SEO strategies are changing due to generative AI, which automates and enhances different aspects of the search engine optimisation experience. Here are some key ways how it can revolutionise SEO: Content Creation and Optimisation Generative AI can produce...

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Google’s Link Based Algorithms – An Overview

Google’s Link Based Algorithms – An Overview

Google's link based algorithms have been the backbone of search since the inception of the Google search engine and it could even be claimed that their early understanding and implementation of link graphs is what made Google stand out and become successful in the...

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Image Optimisation for SEO & Accessibility: A Guide

Image Optimisation for SEO & Accessibility: A Guide

Optimizing Website Images: A Guide to SEO and Accessibility Images are powerful tools for enhancing your website's visual appeal, breaking up text, and conveying information in a way that words alone often can't. However, to truly maximize their effectiveness, it's...

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Technical SEO Audit Checklist

Technical SEO Audit Checklist

A comprehensive technical SEO audit checklist that you can use to assess and improve the technical aspects of a website: 1. Crawlability and Indexing: Verify robots.txt file for proper directives. Ensure important pages are not blocked from indexing. Check the XML...

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30 Powerful Competitor Analysis Tools

30 Powerful Competitor Analysis Tools

Competitor Analysis Tools for Digital Marketing & SEO Strategy Competitor analysis tools play a pivotal role in helping marketing managers gain insights into their rivals' strategies, identify opportunities, and refine their own approaches. In this comprehensive...

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Website Migration SEO Checklist: A Comprehensive Guide

Website Migration SEO Checklist: A Comprehensive Guide

Plan Your Smooth Website Migration with Our SEO Checklist Website migration is a complex process that involves moving a website from one domain, platform, or structure to another. While such transitions are often necessary for business growth or technical...

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Google Venice Update 2012

Google Venice Update 2012

Google Venice Update and Its Impact on Local Search The Google Venice algorithm update, launched in 2012, marked a significant shift in Google's approach to search results by placing a heightened emphasis on local relevance. This update was part of Google's ongoing...

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SEO Checklist

SEO Checklist

The Ultimate 2024 SEO Checklist: 50+ Essential Steps for Success The world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) continues to evolve at a rapid pace. Staying ahead in the digital landscape requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses various aspects of SEO. In...

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Shopify SEO Guide

Shopify SEO Guide

Revealing Shopify SEO Benefits, Meeting Challenges, and Implementing Solutions The ecommerce platform Shopify has a number of search engine optimisation advantages for tech-savvy marketers looking to increase their visibility on the web. Firstly, URL structures in...

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40+ Keyword Research Tools To Grow Your Traffic

40+ Keyword Research Tools To Grow Your Traffic

Tools To Help You Choose The Right Keywords to Target For Your Site Keyword research is vital when it comes to planning how you will grow your organic visibility and appear in search engines for the queries which matter to your target audience, and the good news is...

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30 Chrome Extensions for SEO

30 Chrome Extensions for SEO

Must-Have Google Chrome Extensions for SEO Staying ahead of the curve is crucial for online success. Google Chrome, with its extensive library of extensions, offers a treasure trove of tools to enhance your SEO efforts. In this article, we'll explore 30 must-have...

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50 Tools to Help with Webpage Speed Improvements for SEO

50 Tools to Help with Webpage Speed Improvements for SEO

Why Page Speed Matters for SEO? Page speed is a factor in both SEO and user experience online. In the competitive digital landscape, search engines prioritize fast-loading websites, impacting their ranking in search results. Users, too, demand swift access to...

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History of Google Algorithm Updates

History of Google Algorithm Updates

What is An Algorithm? Google ranking algorithms are complex sets of rules and calculations that determine the order in which search engine results are displayed when a user enters a query. Essentially, these algorithms sift through the vast amount of web pages to...

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HTTPS Response Codes List and Their Meanings

HTTPS Response Codes List and Their Meanings

HTTPS is HTTP with secure encryption. The difference between the two protocols (HTTP and HTTPS) is HTTPS uses TLS (Transport Layer Security) (SSL (secure socket layer)) to encrypt normal HTTP requests and subsequently HTTP responses. As a result, HTTPS is more secure...

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20 Tools for Content Analysis in Digital Marketing

20 Tools for Content Analysis in Digital Marketing

20 Tools to Super-Power your Content Analysis Staying ahead necessitates leveraging tools in digital marketing when it comes to content performance. Content analysis, a cornerstone of successful campaigns, demands the right set of instruments. Let's explore 20 tools...

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Crawling, Crawl Budget and Crawl Optimisation

Crawling, Crawl Budget and Crawl Optimisation

Crawling - What is it? Crawling is a process used by search engines as part of information retrieval systems (i.e. web search systems which are a subsection of information retrieval as a discipline). Crawlers (A.K.A. spiders or bots) traverse the web via links or...

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Holiday Season Ecommerce SEO Guide

Holiday Season Ecommerce SEO Guide

Holiday Season Ecommerce SEO Opportunities As the holiday season approaches its time to get organised planning your marketing campaigns.  In reality, planning for the holiday season should start several months in advance, and more so when it comes to SEO, which is...

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Modern SEO Keyword Strategy Guide

Modern SEO Keyword Strategy Guide

Google Hummingbird Approach To Keyword Strategy Hummingbird was supposed to improve search results. But is it fair to say, the short and curlies of it is, this bird ain’t doing nothing. But is it Google’s algorithm that does not work, or is it because the content...

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WordPress SEO Guide

WordPress SEO Guide

Whilst the subject of Wordpress and SEO is vast we wanted to at least get started with a few pointers to help you get off the ground with a few takeaways.  We often see Wordpress sites which have been built and the developers presume the site is 'SEO-friendly'...

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New Website Launch SEO Guide

New Website Launch SEO Guide

Get your New Website SEO Right First Time It’s natural to make mistakes with SEO when you carry out a new website launch. Regardless of whether you are launching a site for the first time, or redesigning an existing website, technical and architectural mistakes can be...

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Google Panda

Google Panda

What Is Google Panda? Google Panda is one of the most important search engine algorithm updates which had (and still has) wide reaching impacts across search rankings.  Panda largely impacts low quality content / substandard websites / webpages.  Google Panda was...

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Website Speed For SEO and HTTP2 Guide

Website Speed For SEO and HTTP2 Guide

Website Speed and SEO Website speed and SEO go hand in hand.  Google have announced that as of July 2018 there will be a ranking boost available on mobile for faster sites over slower ones.  Now the mobile-internet revolution is in full throttle and continuing to...

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Local SEO Guide

Local SEO Guide

Local SEO For Your Business - Where To Start?? Local SEO has changed the search landscape and given smaller business a shot at outranking big competition. However, local search optimisation isn’t just for smaller businesses and any firm that welcomes clients through...

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