Technical SEO Agency

We love solving tricky technical seo issues

How Bertey can help with technical SEO


Duplicate and Near-duplicate content

One of the main issues we see with large websites is there’s little awareness from within the brand’s team of the problems which arise when search engines don’t understand which of multiple very similar pages is the right one to rank.  They’ll make their best guess, but it’s not always the page you want to have indexed and ranked.  Our technical SEO consultant team are experts in de-duping and sending the right signals to search engines about which are the most important and preferred pages to rank from within your site.

Server Response Code Investigations

Sometimes we find sites are simply sending the wrong server response codes to search engine crawlers.  They’re sending the wrong messages and giving the wrong signals about how often to visit a webpage or whether the page is healthy, redirected, or pretending to be a content rich page but is in actual fact a page with nothing on it (a soft 404).  We’ll do a full crawl of your website and investigate the signals and server responses sent from the headers (not usually visible to your website visitors other than search engine robots and other robots crawling the site).  We’ll then explore areas where you can improve and get the communication right between your site and search engines.

Fast is the only speed

A fast website ranks higher.  There’s a clear correlation between sites which load quickly and greater visibility in search engine results.  We’ll help you to speed up your site to both improve search engine rankings and also to improve upon the user experience for your visitors.  Fast is the only speed when it comes to modern websites and Google’s page speed tests are built to enable us to help you work through the issues.  Our technical SEO experts have speed as a high priority in their optimisation strategies.

Server Log File Analysis

We’ll find out where search engines go when they visit your site.  The only way to truly tell is via analysis of server log files.  These are the records which are on your server which tell us about all visits from both humans and robots (including Googlebot).  We’ll filter on search engine crawlers and discover patterns and frequency of visits to identify bottlenecks and pages which are not being considered important by search engines.  We’ll unlock them and help bring your site into a healthy place.

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More Reasons To Let Us Help With Technical Issues

We're Experts on Technical SEO

We speak at conferences and events on technical SEO issues and web crawling

Huge amounts of experience

We’ve over 10 years experience in helping people remedy technical problems on their sites

We're pretty technical ourselves

We can speak ‘developer talk’ so we won’t be recommending unrealistic fixes and we’ll be able to have intelligent conversations with both your developers and marketers.

Discover What’s Holding Your Site Back

The number of searches in Google from mobile devices has overtaken desktop searches.  You need to be optimised for mobile first.  Being mobile-friendly is a confirmed Google ranking factor and the mobile-first index is on its way.  This means Google will rank your website based on its mobile version.  You need to be ready.  That’s where we can help.

Our technical SEO consultant are experts at identification of issues when it comes to crawling and indexing.  We’re all over server response codes, duplicate and near-duplicate content, javascript frameworks and dynamic content serving.  With over a decade’s experience as leading experts in the technical aspects of search engine discovery we’re well equipped to help you resolve issues with your site.