Insight Articles

Increase Share of Voice Through Online Marketing

Increase Share of Voice Through Online Marketing

Increasing Share of Voice Through Multi-Channel Online Marketing Building and sustaining a robust share of voice (SOV) is imperative for brands looking to outshine competitors. For senior marketing managers, the challenge lies not only in crafting compelling campaigns...

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Content Marketing Statistics & Insights [Updated for 2024]

Content Marketing Statistics & Insights [Updated for 2024]

Decoding Content Marketing: 50 Impactful Statistics and Insights To navigate the complexities and nuances of content marketing, understanding key statistics is essential. When you're looking to present the case to stakeholders for implementation of content marketing...

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The Power of Content Analysis in Digital Marketing

The Power of Content Analysis in Digital Marketing

Unveiling the Power of Content Analysis in Digital Marketing Digital marketing's dynamic landscape demands a strategic approach, and content analysis emerges as the linchpin for success. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the crucial role of content analysis,...

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Major Advantages of eCommerce to Businesses

Reports indicate that online spending is set to continue over the next few years. According to Statista, global retail e-commerce revenues are predicted to grow to 4.88 trillion US dollars in 2021, which is almost double the figures from 2017 (2.3 trillion US...

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5 Tips To Attracting Relevant Website Traffic

5 Tips To Attracting Relevant Website Traffic

Attracting web traffic to your site is all well and good, but if visitors are not engaging with your content or buying your products, your marketing efforts are all for nothing. To be successful online you need to attract relevant traffic. Here are some tips. Target...

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Why Digital Marketing Needs Collaboration

Why Digital Marketing Needs Collaboration

Tips for Managing a Digital Marketing Project Digital marketing is essentially a creative field, and like any large scale artistic production, requires the influence of multiple skillsets. Promoting your business online therefore requires collaboration. Furthermore,...

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How To Track Revenue In Social Media Networks

How To Track Revenue In Social Media Networks

Understanding the return on investment (ROI) from social media channels is crucial for marketing managers.  As the adage goes; "if you can't measure it you can't manage it", after all. With the increasing influence of social media on consumer behavior, tracking...

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Why has Facebook started advertising on TV?

Why has Facebook started advertising on TV?

Facebook recently launched three TV ads in the UK - but there seems no clear reason why the social media giant would need to do this. Business Insider couldn't work it out either, saying; 'It's not entirely clear what the aim of the advertising is, beyond perhaps...

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Leveraging The Friday Feeling With Digital Marketing

Leveraging The Friday Feeling With Digital Marketing

Back in the 1990's, Cadbury picked up on the Friday Feeling, using it in its celebrated Crunchie advert. The Friday vibe is one of happiness, positivity and the hint of some time with family and friends. There is money to be made from using marketing to evoke similar...

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Improving Your Online Reputation In 5 Steps

Improving Your Online Reputation In 5 Steps

Reputation is a pretty big deal in business, especially in the virtual world. Customers want to be assured they are dealing with reliable professionals and to guarantee this search engines demand trust and authority in their rankings. Building a reputation online is...

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How Are Marketers Changing Tactics On Social Media?

How Are Marketers Changing Tactics On Social Media?

Evolving Strategies: How Marketers are Adapting to the Shifting Landscape of Social Media Social media platforms have become the epicenter of brand communication and engagement. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, marketers are constantly reevaluating and...

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Content Marketing Metrics – What Are The Most Important?

Content Marketing Metrics – What Are The Most Important?

The Key Metrics for Content Marketing Every CMO Should Track In a digital landscape awash with ever-changing content marketing, you can’t just be producing great content anymore; you have to know how well your content is doing and why. To the CMOs out there trying to...

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