Digital Marketing Strategy Articles

30 Powerful Competitor Analysis Tools

30 Powerful Competitor Analysis Tools

Competitor Analysis Tools for Digital Marketing & SEO Strategy Competitor analysis tools play a pivotal role in helping marketing managers gain insights into their rivals' strategies, identify opportunities, and refine their own approaches. In this comprehensive...

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LinkedIn Marketing Tips To Grow Your Brand

LinkedIn Marketing Tips To Grow Your Brand

Why Marketing on LinkedIn? Marketing on LinkedIn offers numerous benefits for brands seeking to establish a robust online presence and connect with a professional audience. Firstly, LinkedIn provides an unparalleled platform for B2B marketing, allowing businesses to...

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Black Friday Digital Marketing Ideas

Black Friday Digital Marketing Ideas

Ideas For a Successful Black Friday Digital Marketing Campaign Black Friday and Cyber Monday are the two biggest dates on the consumer calendar. In the States and Canada these two events need no explanation, with hoards of citizens calling in sick to take advantage of...

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Hootsuite Benefits – Comprehensive Guide to Hootstuie

Hootsuite Benefits – Comprehensive Guide to Hootstuie

Unlocking Marketing Potential: A Comprehensive Guide to Hootsuite In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, where social media plays a pivotal role, businesses are constantly seeking efficient tools to streamline their efforts and maximize their online presence....

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Video Marketing Statistics [Updated for 2024]

Video Marketing Statistics [Updated for 2024]

Video Marketing Statistics Not convinced (or need to convince a decision maker) about the rise of video as a staple means of marketing your business?  There's a wealth of evidence in the form of video marketing statistics and data from multiple credible sources to...

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30 Must-Have Google Chrome Extensions for Marketing

30 Must-Have Google Chrome Extensions for Marketing

Supercharge Your Marketing Efforts with These 30 Must-Have Google Chrome Extensions In the ever-evolving world of digital marketing, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. Google Chrome, being the most widely used web browser, offers a plethora of extensions that can...

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What is a Content Strategy?

What is a Content Strategy?

Understanding Content Strategy: A Comprehensive Guide In the dynamic landscape of digital marketing, a strong content strategy plays a pivotal role in achieving a brand's goals and engaging a target audiences effectively. We delve into the intricacies of the content...

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20 Tools for Content Analysis in Digital Marketing

20 Tools for Content Analysis in Digital Marketing

20 Tools to Super-Power your Content Analysis Staying ahead necessitates leveraging tools in digital marketing when it comes to content performance. Content analysis, a cornerstone of successful campaigns, demands the right set of instruments. Let's explore 20 tools...

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The Power of Content Analysis in Digital Marketing

The Power of Content Analysis in Digital Marketing

Unveiling the Power of Content Analysis in Digital Marketing Digital marketing's dynamic landscape demands a strategic approach, and content analysis emerges as the linchpin for success. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the crucial role of content analysis,...

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How Video Can Help Your Online Efforts

How Video Can Help Your Online Efforts

Video Marketing Rises Video marketing is a must-have element in any modern marketeers toolkit. There can be little doubt that video marketing is destined to be the most effective form of advertising. TV has been for over half a century. All we are doing now is moving...

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How To Make Your Website Trustworthy

How To Make Your Website Trustworthy

Earning trust from search engines increases your visibility in search results over time. Online marketing involves significant trust factors. Search engines have built Trust scores into their algorithms, and consumers what assurances before they buy from online...

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Is Your Online Business Failing? 4 Tips For Success

Is Your Online Business Failing? 4 Tips For Success

Before you can expect your online business to succeed, you need a blend of the right ingredients. For the purpose of this article, we will assume you have laid your SEO foundations and the information architecture of your website provides a good user-experience. It...

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Humanising Your Brand Is Key To Online Marketing

Humanising Your Brand Is Key To Online Marketing

What do you think when you read typically-worded copy on a brand website? Is it not often the case that companies use business terms and corporate-sounding lingo? The language marketer’s use is designed to make them appear more business-like? Yes, we know you are a...

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How to plan a content marketing strategy

How to plan a content marketing strategy

The ultimate goal of SEO and content marketing is to rank higher in search engines so that your website is visible and in a position where you increase conversions. To increase conversions your content needs to be engaging.  And to do that you need a content marketing...

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Managing Expectations of SEO Results

Managing Expectations of SEO Results

It is fair to say that some business owners looking to make their digital presence felt have unrealistic ideas about online marketing and SEO in particular. Although the internet promises huge financial rewards, the reality is that SEO takes time to produce...

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5 Tips To Attracting Relevant Website Traffic

5 Tips To Attracting Relevant Website Traffic

Attracting web traffic to your site is all well and good, but if visitors are not engaging with your content or buying your products, your marketing efforts are all for nothing. To be successful online you need to attract relevant traffic. Here are some tips. Target...

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Are You Missing Opportunities For Lead Generation?

Are You Missing Opportunities For Lead Generation?

The online marketing game can be a little tricky until you get used to it. The best approach to make is to forget you are online and approach customers visiting your virtual store in the same manner you would if they came into your physical place of work. Your website...

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Why Digital Marketing Needs Collaboration

Why Digital Marketing Needs Collaboration

Tips for Managing a Digital Marketing Project Digital marketing is essentially a creative field, and like any large scale artistic production, requires the influence of multiple skillsets. Promoting your business online therefore requires collaboration. Furthermore,...

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How To Track Revenue In Social Media Networks

How To Track Revenue In Social Media Networks

Understanding the return on investment (ROI) from social media channels is crucial for marketing managers.  As the adage goes; "if you can't measure it you can't manage it", after all. With the increasing influence of social media on consumer behavior, tracking...

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New To Digital Marketing: Key Tips For Start-Ups

New To Digital Marketing: Key Tips For Start-Ups

Digital marketing can appear pretty daunting to newcomers. It seems quite exciting at first doesn’t it? Then you start reading about all the things you need to know and it’s confusing. Let’s change that. This is an easy-to-follow guide to digital marketing so that you...

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What Is Pull Marketing And Does It Work?

What Is Pull Marketing And Does It Work?

Traditional marketing strategies focus on raising brand awareness, but since the internet provided the platform for businesses to become publishers, brands are trying to pull in customers through various digital strategies. Pull marketing is becoming a growing trend...

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Improving Your Online Reputation In 5 Steps

Improving Your Online Reputation In 5 Steps

Reputation is a pretty big deal in business, especially in the virtual world. Customers want to be assured they are dealing with reliable professionals and to guarantee this search engines demand trust and authority in their rankings. Building a reputation online is...

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How Are Marketers Changing Tactics On Social Media?

How Are Marketers Changing Tactics On Social Media?

Evolving Strategies: How Marketers are Adapting to the Shifting Landscape of Social Media Social media platforms have become the epicenter of brand communication and engagement. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, marketers are constantly reevaluating and...

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Expert Tips To Grow Your Company Blog

Expert Tips To Grow Your Company Blog

Need Help Writing Blog Content? Here’s A Simple Formula So you’ve conceded to the fact you need to launch a content marketing campaign and have got yourself a blog. But how do you go about creating “quality” content? Let’s start by defining “quality”. Essentially,...

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How To Choose Your Digital Marketing Battles (On A Budget)

How To Choose Your Digital Marketing Battles (On A Budget)

Digital marketing on a budget is never easy. Whether you need to invest hard cash into your marketing strategies or the time and resources into making it all happen, there is no such thing as a cheap option or quick fix. That doesn't stop many businesses trying it...

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Content Marketing Metrics – What Are The Most Important?

Content Marketing Metrics – What Are The Most Important?

The Key Metrics for Content Marketing Every CMO Should Track In a digital landscape awash with ever-changing content marketing, you can’t just be producing great content anymore; you have to know how well your content is doing and why. To the CMOs out there trying to...

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